Christmas stress and coping...

Twas the Week before Christmas and Stress is among us:
So I know last night was a full moon and many deregulate their equilibrium during the full moon or like the saying the Werewolves come out. This is actually true, when I worked at the psychiatric hospital in Intake, we would always have two to three times more intakes on a full moon. So if you are feeling a little extra stressed this Holiday season, blame it on the full moon LOL> If you’re like me and want everything to be perfect, it is also a hard time, because there are not enough hours in the day to get ALL the holiday baking done, gifts wrapped with extra ribbons and bows, and crafts saved on Pinterest done. If I could buy hours in the day, I would have all my great Pins done and wonderful ideas attempted. Many I know in therapy and my personal life, begin to reflect on their resentment, anger or sadness, and self-doubt. During the Holidays, being around family or not having a family to be around can cause additional stress. It can also bring up issues that you thought you squashed but because you’re extra stressed the issue snowballs again. Unresolved childhood issues can cause emotional distress when least expecting it. So if it is a family issue, interpersonal issue, or something that you’re struggling with, know that when Holiday stress gets piled on top you can start to feel very overwhelmed and depression may set it. Cortisol more formally known as Hydrocortisone, is a steroid hormone and is released in response to stress. So many of you may be feeling a little “crazy” or Chaotic this holiday due to extra cortisol being produced and released within your body due to stress. What happens to the body when emotional stress alerts the body to produce these stress chemicals can suppress your immune system. No one wants to be sick over Christmas. If the cortisol is produced on an ongoing basis then it will break down the immune system, gastrointestinal, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems. SO you may be wondering how this Holiday stress affects you long term???
Well unfortunately it may lead to obesity, depression and heart disease. That’s why it is so important to TAKE CARE OF YOU, during the Holiday’s. Chronic stress can also lead to pain such as back pain. I know as a therapist there have been times that I did not take care of myself and I knew better. I was not eating right, sleeping enough, or exercising and I had a very bad bladder infection, which could have been prevented if I took care of myself when I started feeling symptoms. Like you I was too busy to go to the doctor and way too busy to get the rest I needed. I almost ended up in the hospital, but I was fortunate that I was able to be treated at an emergency clinic and catch up on rest afterwards. Since then I have tried to care for myself more by practicing meditation, yoga, run, or cycle every day. A little crazy but as a mom of two little ones, I want to teach them that exercise and health are as important for their body and mind as playing and having fun. A little self-care and self-discipline can go a long way. Who better to teach my children to care for their spiritual faith, mind and body, than me?

Endorphins are the body’s natural antidepressant. Endorphins function as neurotransmitters (common in antidepressants). They are produced in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise, excitement, spicy food, love and sexual activity. So get out there and take a spin or yoga or run class and then go eat spicy Thai or Mexican food, it does a Body GOOD. I have found that exercising during the Holidays has kept me more grounded, happy, and CALM!
Playful Blessings,
Dr. Brooke
If stress overwhelms you and you don't feel like you can get control over your emotional state:
Call for a free consultation anytime: 214.674.3091.
